Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Montana's Opening Weekend for Archery, Sept 5th 6th &7th

Opening weekend featured cooler temps and rainy weather. This kept some elk up on their feet through out the day, unfortunately the day was on Friday when we couldn't hunt them. We loaded up our bikes and bike trailers for what we thought would be a five mile bike ride. 15 Minutes up the road we encountered a herd of elk with a bugling bull who we could hear, but could not see in the timber. So we backed down the road a bit and set up camp. Not far enough though. About 1:30am that night we had elk plowing through our camp. I thought Saturday would be great. We didn't see or hear an elk all day, and we hunted pretty hard. Our luck was a little better on Sunday. That morning we decided to head up the road to where we had origanlly intended to camp and hunt. About 3 miles up the road we spotted an elk crossing the road. We couldn't make out the sex at the time. We geared up, headed into the timber and started calling. We called in two spike bulls who were still in velvet and their spikes looked like baseball bats. Unfotunately we couldn't shoot spikes in the district that we were hunting.

After this happened I thought we would get into more elk so we headed further up the road. We hunted hard until late morning rains sent us packing. Aside from the spikes we didn't hear or see any other elk on Sunday.

About to load up the bob trailers.

Some great country to glass.

August 2nd More Scouting

Early August found me on the lookout for more elk country. It looks like I found it. However the steep and rugged nature of this country may keep me out of here and the elk safe for now. The top of this mountain appears to have plenty of good country that I don't think elk would hold in for very long. Subsequently you could end up loosing and gaining lots of elevation over the course of day. This can make things difficult in a hurry.

My trusty field scout Finn.

Finn is thinking the same thing I'm thinking, great looking country but it looks like a long ways down there.

Yes I was really there.
A great summer day in Montana!